Our power tool buying guides let you research, shop and compare products. You can see our recommendations for the best power tools or even check out our tool shootouts. That’s where we compare dozens of the latest and greatest power tools, hand tools, and pneumatic air tools. We also rate and provide recommendations for hot products in our tool gift guides. Practical Tool Buying Guides We’re frequently asked the question: Which tool should I buy? It doesn’t matter if it’s an 18V cordless hammer drill, 18V impact driver, or a 7-1/4″ cordless circular saw. People want to know who makes the best tool. They frequently ask: Which are going to perform the best? We’ve assembled some tool buying guides, gift guides, and helpful tool comparison grids to make the process of choosing the best tool an easier one. Check out the tool guides below, and learn which tools present the most torque, the highest cutting or driving speeds, and the best values in the industry. For those interested in understanding who provides the best value, performance, and features, our power tool buying guides are the perfect place to start.